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What is VXScreenshots?.

Basic Screenshots manager pushing and sharing automatically to Amazon S3 images and giving the link automatically to use them alá Skitch autoconfiguring your Linux desktop environment with shutter properlly.

This is a combination of tools Not a tool itself to have your Linux taking fast Screenshots.


When you look for an alternative to Skitch, an evernote extension which is pretty cool everybody mentioned Shutter as the best screenshot tool on Linux (which is true) but it needs a lot of investigation and configurations to automate an important feature Take the screenshot, edit it and sync it inmediatly with access with a direct link to embed it properlly, even if this tool has some upload features they are full of marketing and noisy, with this little set of helpers in python, you can have your own server of images in Amazon s3 and preconfigure everything to work our of the box.

See a little demonstration of what you can do.



  • Monitorize a folder and verify if you put an image there (png, jpeg, jpg, gif) the it is pushed automatically to your account on amazon S3.
  • Automatically create an index of shared files which you can get directly into the clipboard.
  • Button to manage this behavior graphically avoiding go to the folder and make magic to get a shareable link.
    • Direct Link.
    • RST Code.
    • Html Code.
    • Markdown Code.
  • Helper script to run your favorite screenshots manager app.

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